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Build Climate Models using Python

Build Climate Models using Python Online Course An e-learning course to create climate models in Python through hands-on programming exercises. Students will use Python to model energy balance; ice-albedo feedback; ice sheet dynamics; and pressure, rotation, and fluid flow. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: Derive the parameterized relationship between T, […]

A History of Climate Models

A History of Climate Models Reading A reading titled ‘Simple Models of Climate Change’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to Spencer Weart’s book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’. This reading provides a history of climate change models […]

Climate Collection

Climate Collections Your Introduction to Climate Change UN Resources Select UN Climate Education Resources. WMO, WCRP, UNESCO, UN CC : Learn and YESS are TROP ICSU Partners Climate Change Resources Climate Change Resources American Chemical Society ACS Climate Science Toolkit American Institue of Physics History of Climate Science American Institute of Physics The Discovery of […]

Climate Change: The Math Connection

Climate Change: The Math Connection Video A video lecture by Chris Budd, University of Bath titled ‘The Mathematics of Climate Change’ that discusses how mathematics helps in understanding the Earth’s climate, climate change and in predicting future climate change. This video focuses on how climate models are derived from the fields of Mathematics and Physics. […]

Long-term Cost of Climate Change

Long-term Cost of Climate Change Reading A reading by Louise Lerner, The University of Chicago, that summarises the economic cost of carbon as viewed from the perspective of geologists. This research challenges the traditional cost of carbon, which has been priced at $100 per ton of carbon emission, by stating the cost of carbon to […]

General Circulation Models of Climate

General Circulation Models of Climate Reading A reading titled ‘General Circulation Models of Climate’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to the book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’ by Spencer Weart. It summarises the complexity of Earth System […]

The Physics of Climate Change Prediction

The Physics of Climate Change Prediction Teaching Module A teaching module developed by Climateprediction.net on climate physics and climate models. The module for ‘A level Physics’ students includes introductory resources, exercises and worksheets on climate change models. The module consists of the following sections: Introducing climate prediction Climate modelling using Modellus Simple Climate Model The […]

Climate Change: The Physics Connection

Climate Change: The Physics Connection Video A series of three lecture videos by Nadir Jeevanjee, Princeton University on the Physics of Climate Change. In these videos presented as blackboard lectures, Jeevanjee presents simple climate models and the underlying physics. These lectures include discussions on the following topics: Introduction The atmosphere in radiative-convective equilibrium Heuristics of […]

Series of two E-Learning Courses on Introduction to Climate Change and Climate Science

Series of two E-Learning Courses on Introduction to Climate Change and Climate Science Online Course Following are two online courses in Climate Change and Climate Science by the National Resource Centre (NRC) on Climate Change at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune as part of the Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching […]


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