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Climate and the Hydrosphere

Climate and the Hydrosphere Reading Module A short reading by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Center for Science Education that summarizes the hydrosphere and its role in determining the climate of planet Earth. This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change […]

What is the Hydrosphere?

What is the Hydrosphere? Reading Module A short reading by the Aspen Global Change Institute that summarizes what the hydrosphere is. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change and the role of the hydrosphere. This reading includes overview discussions on the following topics: […]

Plastic Rain

Plastic Rain Overview As a High School or introductory Undergraduate Environmental Sciences or Chemistry teacher, you can use these computer based tools to teach about environmental pollutants like airborne microplastics and their impact on Earth’s climate. This lesson plan examines environmental pollutants like microplastics, their sources, their environmental impacts, impact on human health and how […]

Breathless Oceans: Impact of Climate Change on Dissolved Oxygen

Breathless Oceans: Impact of Climate Change on Dissolved Oxygen Overview As a high school or introductory undergraduate Chemistry or Environmental Sciences teacher, you can use these computer based tools to teach a practical component of environmental chemistry paper i.e. the determination of dissolved oxygen in the given sample of water. In this lesson plan, students […]

What Can You Do 2

Teacher Students Principles Principles Teacher Dear Teachers These resources are for the teachers and by the teachers. You have an important role as an educator to improve climate awareness amongst our student learners. Please join us in our efforts to combat the climate crisis through education by: Using our resources in your classroom for your […]

What is Ocean Acidification?

What is Ocean Acidification? Video A video to understand ocean acidification and its impacts. Students will learn about how carbon dioxide (CO2) affects the pH of the ocean, and how increasing ocean acidity may adversely affect marine life and the seafood industry. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: How might increasing […]

The Changing of pH of Ocean Water and Its Impact on Marine Life

The Changing of pH of Ocean Water and Its Impact on Marine Life visualization A visualisation to learn about the pH scale, the pH of different liquids, ocean acidification, and the possible impacts of ocean acidification on marine life. Students will identify the pH of different liquids and observe how the average pH of ocean […]

Ocean Chemistry, Ocean Acidification, and Oyster Growth

Ocean Chemistry, Ocean Acidification, and Oyster Growth Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the pH of ocean water, explore the potential effects of climate change on ocean acidification, and understand the possible impacts of ocean acidification on marine organisms such as oysters. Students will explore and analyze the relationship between the growth of […]


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