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Poverty and Climate: An Inextricable Link

Poverty and Climate: An Inextricable Link Overview Overview As a High School or Undergraduate Economics or Social Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about poverty, the impact of climate change on global poverty and the ways to manage it in the current and future scenarios. This […]

Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty

Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty Reading A feature story on a comprehensive report by the World Bank that describes the threat of climate change to poor people and the ways to offset it through adaptation and mitigation strategies. The students will view an embedded video to understand the need for policies to manage the […]

Energy, Gender and Climate Change

Energy, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarises the gender dimensions of energy consumption and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, […]

Did Drought cause the Syrian Civil War?

Did Drought cause the Syrian Civil War? Video A short video from the Yale Climate Communications series titled ‘Drought, Water, War, and Climate Change’ on climate change as a catalyst for crises. The video discusses how climate change potentially contributed to the drought in Syria causing large scale human migration, poverty, political instability and, possibly, […]

India’s Climate Change Policies

India’s Climate Change Policies Video A video lecture on India’s climate change policies and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video lecture is part 2 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change: Policy and Governance: Global Negotiations and Domestic Policy Making’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by the […]

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 3 – Food’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 16 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Food Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]


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