Urban Heat Island

Urban Heat Island Classroom/Laboratory Activity A laboratory activity to learn about the urban heat island effect and heat waves. Students will collect temperature-related data from various parts of their schoolyard, observe and analyze differences in the data, and discuss the environmental factors that affect the temperature. With the help of temperature data for Los Angeles […]
Teacher Guide to Climate Change- Agriculture

Teacher’s Guide to Climate Change – Agriculture Teaching Module A teaching module by Our Climate Our Future titled ‘Agriculture and Climate Change’ that discusses the impacts of climate change on agricultural crops and products. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about food security or agriculture. […]
Climate Change Impacts in United States

Climate Change Impacts in United States Overview As a High School or introductory Undergraduate teacher, you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts in United States. This lesson plan provides an introduction to climate change, causes and impacts of climate change globally, climate change risk profile for United States that […]