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Determining Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise

Determining Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the rate of sea-level rise and the response of shorelines to sea-level change. Students will examine and analyze sea-level change data and shoreline response for the coast of California including Point Reyes National Seashore. They will learn about coastal vulnerability and […]

The Global Climate Change Game

The Global Climate Change Game Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive classroom activity ‘The Global Climate Change Game’ by James Copestake and Tom Ellum, University of Bath, that applies theoretical economic concepts in the context of climate change. The game involves role-play by students to understand.international climate change negotiations between countries influenced by ethics and morals. The […]

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Carbon Emissions Abatement

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Carbon Emissions Abatement Teaching Module A classroom/laboratory activity or teaching module to perform cost-benefit analysis for carbon emissions abatement, considered to be an action that will mitigate climate change. Students will learn about cost-benefit analysis, and will determine the costs and benefits of abating carbon emissions. They will also learn about the […]

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about radiation, heat transport, convection, and energy/mass conservation by interpreting and mapping the Hadley Circulation. Students will analyse and map real data through the NASA MERRA reanalysis model to understand the actual impact of the Hadley Cell on the Earth’s climate system […]

The Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis Effect Classroom/Laboratory Activity A hands-on classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the Coriolis Effect. In this activity, students use a simple paper-based model to understand how the Coriolis Effect influences the direction of winds, currents, and other objects in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: […]

Urban Heat Island

Urban Heat Island Classroom/Laboratory Activity A laboratory activity to learn about the urban heat island effect and heat waves. Students will collect temperature-related data from various parts of their schoolyard, observe and analyze differences in the data, and discuss the environmental factors that affect the temperature. With the help of temperature data for Los Angeles […]

Black Carbon and Earth’s Albedo

Black Carbon and Earth’s Albedo Classroom/Laboratory Activity A laboratory activity to demonstrate the effect of black carbon on surface temperature of the Earth. This activity by Holzer et al. for the NESTA/Windows to the Universe team demonstrates the impact of black carbon on solar radiation absorption, particularly in the poles. Students will be introduced to […]

Black Carbon and Human Health

Black Carbon and Human Health Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom activity that discusses the impacts of black carbon emissions on human health. This activity by the Science Education Research Center at Carleton College (SERC Carleton) demonstrates how the burning of fossil fuels and biomass-based fuels results in black carbon emissions contribute to global warming, and impacts […]

Climate Change and Food Security in Africa

Climate Change and Food Security in Africa Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about suitable climatic conditions for a crop and to determine how climate change may affect food production (specifically, cocoa production). In this activity, students will learn about the relationship between climate change and food production through the case study of cocoa […]

Quiz on Carbon Cycle

Quiz on Carbon Cycle Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive online quiz to test student’s understanding of the carbon cycle. This quiz by NASA can help students understand the various components of the carbon cycle and their influence on Earth’s climate Students will learn about the processes involved in regulating carbon and the role of atmospheric carbon […]


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