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Glaciers and Climate Change

Glaciers and Climate Change Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to explore the effects of melting ice sheets and the resulting sea level rise on coastal areas. Students will configure parameters related to glacial melt in Antarctica and/or Greenland, and will observe the effects of sea level rise on selected coastal regions in the U.S. Use this […]

Impact of Climate Change on Cities

Impact of Climate Change on Cities Online Course An e-learning course to understand how cities are impacted by and influence climate change. Students will learn about how urban areas contribute to climate change, how climate change affects cities, and how climate change adaptation and mitigation can be included in urban planning. Use this tool to […]

If Global Temperature Rises by 4 C

If Global Temperature Rises by 4℃ Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe the effects of a global temperature increase of 4°C on human health, agriculture, forests, oceans and marine ecosystems, permafrost, water availability, and extreme climate events. Students will observe and discuss how a global temperature rise of 4°C will affect different regions in the […]

The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California

The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe and understand the possible effects of sea-level rise and different storm scenarios on the coast of California. Students will configure parameters such as the amount of sea-level rise and the frequency of storm scenarios to observe the corresponding effects […]

Climate Change, the Economy, and Society

Climate Change, the Economy, and Society Model/Simulation A model/simulation to understand the relationships between climate change, economics, and social factors. Students will customise parameters related to policy (such as emissions-related tax or treaty), climate (such as levels of climate sensitivity and harm), and economy (such as growth and energy efficiency) to observe the corresponding effects […]

Milankovitch Orbital Parameters

Milankovitch Orbital Parameters Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to learn about changes in Earth’s climate caused by variations in the solar energy received by the planet over geological time scales and to understand the role of the orbital parameters (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) in causing ice age cycles (Milankovitch cycles) on Earth. Students can vary orbital parameters […]

Modeling Planetary Energy Balance

Modeling Planetary Energy Balance Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to learn about vertical energy (heat) transfer in the Earth’s system and planetary energy balance. Students will vary parameters such as the solar constant and the planetary albedo to observe the corresponding effects on energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth and from the Earth to the […]

Blackbody Spectrum

Blackbody Spectrum Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation and associated activity to explain how Planck’s Law can be used to plot blackbody curves of objects with different temperatures, the relationship between temperature and peak wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum, and the greenhouse effect of Earth’s atmosphere. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: How can […]

Blackbody Radiation and Planetary Temperatures

Blackbody Radiation and Planetary Temperatures Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to understand blackbody radiation, the effects of albedo and solar brightness on the temperature of a planet, and the greenhouse effect of the Earth’s atmosphere. effect of the Earth’s atmosphere. Students will experiment with a blackbody simulation to understand how the blackbody radiation model can be used […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Model/Simulation A visualisation to observe, understand, explore, and analyze the molecular structure of carbon compounds (CO2, CH4), the effect of electromagnetic radiation on these molecules, and the role of greenhouse gases in climate change. Students will visualise the molecular structure of atmospheric gases, and the effect of infrared photons on these molecules. […]


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