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What is the Atmosphere?

What is the Atmosphere? Reading A short reading by the Aspen Global Change Institute that summarizes what the atmosphere is. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change and the role of the atmosphere. This reading includes overview discussions on the following topics:  What […]

Atmospheric Science

Atmospheric Science: An Online Course Online Course A e-learning course titled, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This course contains video lectures on the following topics: Introduction Atmosphere-A brief survey (Pressure, Temperature and Chemical composition) Atmosphere-A brief survey contd … (Vertical structure […]

First Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics Video A video lecture titled, ‘Basic Thermodynamics’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture explains and details the first law of thermodynamics (Q – W = Delta E) in the context of […]


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