Post-pandemic Economic Policies

Post-pandemic Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and quantitative easing, among others. […]
Economic Recovery post COVID-19

Economic Recovery post COVID-19 Reading: A policy brief by The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Policy and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), University of Leeds on the significance of carbon pricing for reducing carbon emissions in the context of post COVID-19 pandemic […]
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Recession and Economic Policies

The COVID-19 Pandemic, Recession and Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and […]