Economics and Global Climate Change

Economics and Global Climate Change Reading A reading to learn about the economic analysis of climate change, and various economic policies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Students will read about and discuss topics on the economics of global climate change. These topics include trends and projections for global climate, cost-benefit studies of global climate […]
Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change Reading This reading is a comprehensive overview of how capitalism has shaped our response and reaction to climate change. This book is divided into three parts – Bad Timing, Magical thinking and Starting Anyway. Bad timing deals with how Free Market Fundamentalism, Invisible Hand and similar economic ideologies […]
Poverty and Climate: An Inextricable Link

Poverty and Climate: An Inextricable Link Overview Overview As a High School or Undergraduate Economics or Social Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about poverty, the impact of climate change on global poverty and the ways to manage it in the current and future scenarios. This […]