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The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect Reading A reading titled ‘The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to the book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’ by Spencer Weart. It includes discussions on the greenhouse effect […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Model/Simulation A visualisation to observe, understand, explore, and analyze the molecular structure of carbon compounds (CO2, CH4), the effect of electromagnetic radiation on these molecules, and the role of greenhouse gases in climate change. Students will visualise the molecular structure of atmospheric gases, and the effect of infrared photons on these molecules. […]

Molecular Vibration Modes and Greenhouse Effect

Molecular Vibration Modes and Greenhouse Effect Reading A reading that discusses how chemical bonds in molecules respond to incident IR light and absorb IR energy during certain modes of vibration. The reading includes discussions on the vibrational modes of water vapor and carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules and explains why these gases act as greenhouse gases. […]

Beer-Lambert Law

Beer-Lambert Law Reading A reading that uses the Beer-Lambert Law to highlight the link between greenhouse gases and global warming. This reading by Tom Kuntzleman, Chemical Education Xchange (ChemEd X), uses the Beer-Lambert Law to explain the increasing global warming potential of Earth’s atmosphere due to the higher concentrations of greenhouse gases in recent times. […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Model/Simulation An interactive simulation to explore the role of different greenhouse gases in causing the greenhouse effect. This PhET simulation titled, ‘The Greenhouse Effect’ by University of Colorado, Boulder, helps to visualise the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. Students will learn how certain gases in the atmosphere absorb outgoing terrestrial radiation and […]


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