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Hadley Circulation

Hadley Circulation Reading A reading to learn about the Hadley Cell and a simple model for the Hadley Circulation, using the law of conservation of angular momentum. In this reading, students will discuss and explore the effects of changes in atmospheric dynamics on Hadley circulation and will analyze the potential impacts on climate. Use this […]

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about radiation, heat transport, convection, and energy/mass conservation by interpreting and mapping the Hadley Circulation. Students will analyse and map real data through the NASA MERRA reanalysis model to understand the actual impact of the Hadley Cell on the Earth’s climate system […]

Earth’s Equable Climate

Earth’s Equable Climate Reading A reading that explains Earth’s equable climate in the past using the theories, Hadley Cells, Convective Cloud Feedback, Polar Stratospheric Clouds, and Tropical Cyclones. Students will learn about Earth’s equable climate. They can use this reading to understand the role of the Hadley Cell in detail, how Hadley Cells transport heat […]

Atmospheric Dynamics and Hadley Cells

Atmospheric Dynamics and Hadley Cells Reading A reading that discusses the use of the law of conservation of angular momentum to explain the extent of Hadley cells. Students will learn to derive atmospheric dynamics equations for a model of Hadley circulation (based on Farrell’s theory). Use this tool to help your students find answers to: […]


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