Impact of Climate Change on Cities

Impact of Climate Change on Cities Online Course An e-learning course to understand how cities are impacted by and influence climate change. Students will learn about how urban areas contribute to climate change, how climate change affects cities, and how climate change adaptation and mitigation can be included in urban planning. Use this tool to […]
Understanding Climate Vulnerabilities and Building Climate Resilience

Understanding Climate Vulnerabilities and Building Climate Resilience Game A game that provides an immersive learning experience to visualize the possible effects of climate change on our cities and neighborhoods in the future, and to explore actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Students will visualize the effects of climate change—such as sea-level rise, storm surges, […]
Resource Management for Improving the Climate Resilience of Cities

Resource Management for Improving the Climate Resilience of Cities Game A game to learn about decisions, policies, and overall strategies to improve the climate resilience of a city. Students will play the role of decision-makers to build a climate-resilient city. They will choose from different options such as developing soft or hard coastlines, increasing the […]