Oceans, Ocean Circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures

Oceans, Ocean Circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures Video A video lecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland that introduces basic concepts in oceanography. This video lecture is part of a MOOC titled ‘Climate Change’ and has been developed by the National Resource Centre on Climate Change at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research […]
Using Isotopes to Measure Temperatures

Using Isotopes to Measure Temperatures Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘From Isotopes to Temperature: Working With A Temperature Equation’ from Starting Point by Dorien McGee, University of South Florida, USA, that uses oxygen isotopic data from corals and sea water as a proxy for determining ocean temperatures. This activity includes isotope and ocean […]

Upwelling Video A microlecture (video) that introduces the topic of upwelling in oceans and how the direction of motion of water in the oceans is influenced by the Coriolis Effect. Students will learn how the Coriolis Effect on the Trade Winds at the equator influences the movement of surface water in the oceans causing an […]
If Global Temperature Rises by 4 C

If Global Temperature Rises by 4℃ Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe the effects of a global temperature increase of 4°C on human health, agriculture, forests, oceans and marine ecosystems, permafrost, water availability, and extreme climate events. Students will observe and discuss how a global temperature rise of 4°C will affect different regions in the […]
The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California

The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe and understand the possible effects of sea-level rise and different storm scenarios on the coast of California. Students will configure parameters such as the amount of sea-level rise and the frequency of storm scenarios to observe the corresponding effects […]
Determining Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise

Determining Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the rate of sea-level rise and the response of shorelines to sea-level change. Students will examine and analyze sea-level change data and shoreline response for the coast of California including Point Reyes National Seashore. They will learn about coastal vulnerability and […]
Climate and the Hydrosphere

Climate and the Hydrosphere Reading Module A short reading by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Center for Science Education that summarizes the hydrosphere and its role in determining the climate of planet Earth. This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change […]
What is the Hydrosphere?

What is the Hydrosphere? Reading Module A short reading by the Aspen Global Change Institute that summarizes what the hydrosphere is. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change and the role of the hydrosphere. This reading includes overview discussions on the following topics: […]
Rising Sea Surface Temperature and Hurricane Intensity

Rising Sea Surface Temperature and Hurricane Intensity Video A video to learn about hurricanes as heat engines, and the possible effects of increasing sea surface temperature on the intensity and frequency of hurricanes. Students will understand the process of hurricane formation, and the factors that influence the number and strength of hurricanes. They will discuss […]
Thermodynamics and the Hydrostatic Equation

Thermodynamics and the Hydrostatic Equation Video A video lecture titled, ‘The Hydrostatic Equation’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture introduces the hydrostatic equation and explains in detail the concept of ‘virtual temperature’ and its importance […]