Climate Solutions for Transportation Sector
Climate Solutions for Transportation Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Transportation Sector. It lists different solutions by the Transportation sector towards addressing the climate crisis such as: Shift to alternative modes of mobility to reduce demand for fossil-fueled transportation Enhance efficiency through mechanical improvements and better design […]
Climate Solutions by Project Drawdown
Climate Solutions by Project Drawdown Reading A website resource designed and developed by ‘Project Drawdown’ that offers a sector-wise list of solutions to the climate crisis. It includes readings on specific solutions for various sectors and sub-sectors such as: Electricity: This reading summarises climate solutions for the electricity sector. It explains different technologies that generate […]
Climate Solutions for Industry Sector
Climate Solutions for Industry Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Industry Sector. It lists different solutions by the industry sector towards addressing the climate crisis such as: – Reduce the use of plastics, metals and cement and employ alternative materials in industrial processes – Move towards a […]
Climate Solutions for Electricity Sector
Climate Solutions for Electricity Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Electricity Sector. It lists different solutions by the electricity sector towards addressing the climate crisis such as: -Enhance efficiency by introducing new technologies and practices that reduce electricity demand – Shift production towards renewables and reduce dependency […]
Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector
Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 2 – Energy’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 21 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Energy Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]
Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 1
Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 1 Reading A reading from the ‘Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change’ by economist Nicholas Stern for the Government of the United Kingdom which contains a compilation of the scientific evidence of human caused climate change, its analysis through economic theory, and discussion on possible alternatives […]
Marxism and Carbon Markets
Marxism and Carbon Markets Reading A reading titled ‘Greening Capitalism? A Marxist Critique of Carbon Markets’ by Steffan Bohm, Maria Misoczky and Sandra Moog that discusses a Marxist assessment of carbon markets and their role in the evolution of global capitalism and climate change. The reading discusses four major marxist concepts: metabolic rift, capitalism and […]
Willingness to Pay for Climate Stability
Willingness to Pay for Climate Stability Reading A review article by Evan Johnson and Gregory Nemet, Robert M. La Follete School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, on willingness to pay (WTP) for climate policy. This working paper is divided into five sections as follows: Section 1 describes the characteristics of WTP as […]
Willingness to Cooperate and Climate Policy
Willingness to Cooperate and Climate Policy Reading A reading titled ‘Cooperation in the Climate Commons’ by the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), University of Leeds and The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Policy. This working paper describes the willingness to cooperate as a […]
Social Cost of Carbon
Social Cost of Carbon Reading A journal article by William Nordhaus on the critical role of the social cost of carbon (SCC) in determining climate change economics and policies. This paper estimates the SCC using the Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (DICE model). Students will understand the application of the DICE model […]