Metabolic Rates and Global Warming

Metabolic Rates and Global Warming Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to measure the metabolic rate in living organisms and to understand the possible effects of rising temperatures on metabolic rate of these organisms. This activity demonstrates how metabolic activity changes in ectotherms (goldfish) and endotherms (common mouse) at different temperatures. Students will learn how to […]
Global Warming and Terrestrial Metabolism of Ectotherms

Global Warming and Terrestrial Metabolism of Ectotherms Reading An article on the effect of rising temperatures on the metabolism of various terrestrial ectotherms. The article by Dillon et al published in Nature describes the relationship between climate change and metabolic rate globally. Further, it describes the effects of changing metabolic rates on organisms in temperate […]
Metabolic Rate and Climate Change

Metabolic Rate and Climate Change Overview As a high school or undergraduate Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about metabolism in living organisms, metabolic rate and factors affecting metabolic rate including the impact of increasing global temperatures due to climate change. This lesson plan will enable students to […]