A project of the International Union of Biological Sciences and FLAME University
Lesson Plans and Teaching Tools for teachers of all disciplines
The content covered during this period has sharped my mind about our contributions as teachers (from different disciplines) in climate!
I was impressed with the philosophy of helping teachers integrate climate change issues into the standard curriculum. Having reliable resources to do this makes the objective achievable.”
The workshop is good and helped us to understand that we can integrate climate change topic in every field of teaching, hopefully this will increase awareness towards climate change among students.
It’s just fascinating to see how the lesson plans were designed to teach certain areas of study with hints of climate change. Truly exceptional.
All maps & pedagogical tools are owned by the corresponding creators, authors or organizations as listed on their websites. Please view the individual copyright and ownership details for each tool using the links provided. We do not claim ownership of or responsibility or liability for any of these tools. Images copyrights remain with the respective owners.
TROP ICSU is a project of the International Union of Biological Sciences and Centre for Sustainability, Environment and Climate Change, FLAME University.