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Cost-Benefit Analysis for Carbon Emissions Abatement

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Carbon Emissions Abatement Teaching Module A classroom/laboratory activity or teaching module to perform cost-benefit analysis for carbon emissions abatement, considered to be an action that will mitigate climate change. Students will learn about cost-benefit analysis, and will determine the costs and benefits of abating carbon emissions. They will also learn about the […]

Teaching Cost-Benefit Analysis through Climate-related examples

Impact of Climate Change on Teaching Cost-Benefit Analysis through Climate-related examples Overview Overview As an undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching cost-benefit analysis. This lesson plan will help students to understand the principles of cost-benefit analysis. The activities will allow students to apply cost-benefit analysis […]

Willingness to Pay for Climate Stability

Willingness to Pay for Climate Stability Reading A review article by Evan Johnson and Gregory Nemet, Robert M. La Follete School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, on willingness to pay (WTP) for climate policy. This working paper is divided into five sections as follows: Section 1 describes the characteristics of WTP as […]

Shadow Price and Social Cost of Carbon

Shadow Price and Social Cost of Carbon Reading A reading titled ‘The Social Cost of Carbon and the Shadow Price of Carbon’ by Richard Price, Simeon Thornton and Stephen Nelson Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), London, that discusses the topics of social cost of carbon (SCC) and shadow pricing of carbon (SPC) […]

Economics of Climate Change with William Nordhaus, Nobel Laureate (2018)

Economics of Climate Change with William Nordhaus, Nobel Laureate (2018) Video This video lecture by William Nordhaus on the economics of climate change. This is a comprehensive video on the impacts of climate change and its effect on the economy, along with a focus on economic policy for climate mitigation and adaptation. Students will be […]

Climate Change in the Economics Classroom

Climate Change in the Economics Classroom Video A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Economics teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Economics. This video lecture is part of an online e-learning course (MOOC) […]


Search by Resource Type Lesson Plan Teaching Tool Search by Key Topics in Economics Climate Change Economics Microeconomics Invisible Hand Tragedy of the Commons Marxism Capitalism Cost Benefit Analysis Market Failure Opportunity Costs Economic Growth Energy Economics Economic Externalities Social Cost of Carbon Willingness to Cooperate Willingness to Pay Gender Economics Economic Policy Hubbert’s Peak […]

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 3 – Food’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 16 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Food Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]

Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 1

Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 1 Reading A reading from the ‘Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change’ by economist Nicholas Stern for the Government of the United Kingdom which contains a compilation of the scientific evidence of human caused climate change, its analysis through economic theory, and discussion on possible alternatives […]


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