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Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change through Rap

Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change through Rap Overview As a High School or Undergraduate teacher in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Earth Sciences, or Environmental Sciences, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about climate change and global warming through Hip-Hop. This lesson plan provides an introduction to Hip-Hop education […]

Testing 2.0

For Teachers For Students For Principals For Policy Holders For Teachers Dear Teachers These resources are for the teachers and by the teachers. You have an important role as an educator to improve climate awareness amongst our student learners. Please join us in our efforts to combat the climate crisis through education by: Using our […]

What Can You Do

What Can You Do? Project TROP ICSU demonstrates how to integrate climate change education in everyday teaching of different disciplines. Our educational resources are designed to provide current and future generations of learners with key 21st century learning skills and the knowledge to identify and develop solutions for the climate crisis. For Teachers For Students […]

Rap Music and Climate Change

Rap Music and Climate Change Audio A music album titled ‘The Rap Guide To Climate Chaos’ by Baba Brinkman that contains 24 tracks on climate change. The album discusses the science, politics and economics of climate change. The tracks cover a variety of topics such as greenhouse gases, carbon emissions, climate taxes and green capitalism. […]


Search by Resource Type Lesson Plan Teaching Tool Search by Key Topics in Humanities Literature Literary Analysis Language Cli-Fi English Storytelling Poetry Comics History Philosophy Mythology Post-colonial Studies Human Rights Environmental Justice Climate Refugee Climate Change Overview Anthropology Cultural Studies Heritage Studies Gender Communication Music Hip-Hop Literature Literary Analysis Language Cli-Fi English Storytelling Poetry Comics […]


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