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Beer-Lambert Law

Beer-Lambert Law Reading A reading that uses the Beer-Lambert Law to highlight the link between greenhouse gases and global warming. This reading by Tom Kuntzleman, Chemical Education Xchange (ChemEd X), uses the Beer-Lambert Law to explain the increasing global warming potential of Earth’s atmosphere due to the higher concentrations of greenhouse gases in recent times. […]

Gender and Climate Change Policy

Gender and Climate Change Policy Reading A guidebook of gender-sensitive approaches to climate change policy for city planning. It discusses the different ways in which women and men are affected by climate change. This guidebook includes discussions on gender inequalities such as gender division of labour, gender differentials in income, gender biases in decision making, […]

Climate Change Poetry

Climate Change Poetry Reading A set of poems commissioned by the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) that feature 9 poems on the theme of climate change. The poems are based on the collective understanding of climate change and human response to this global phenomenon. These pieces were commissioned as part of ‘Seven […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Model/Simulation An interactive simulation to explore the role of different greenhouse gases in causing the greenhouse effect. This PhET simulation titled, ‘The Greenhouse Effect’ by University of Colorado, Boulder, helps to visualise the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. Students will learn how certain gases in the atmosphere absorb outgoing terrestrial radiation and […]

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change Reading This reading is a comprehensive overview of how capitalism has shaped our response and reaction to climate change. This book is divided into three parts – Bad Timing, Magical thinking and Starting Anyway. Bad timing deals with how Free Market Fundamentalism, Invisible Hand and similar economic ideologies […]

Climate Change Literature

Climate Change Literature Audio An audio podcast titled ‘Climate Change and Literature: Reading Change’ that features Dr. Jemma Deer, Harvard University Center for the Environment. The podcast discusses the role of literature to understand and deal with climate change. The podcast discusses how analysing literature can allow for various interpretations and perceptions of climate change […]

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle Reading A reading that describes the impacts of climate change on the water cycle of Earth. This reading titled, ‘The Water Cycle and Climate Change’ by UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) Center for Science Education details the effects of climate change on the natural water cycle on Earth. Students will learn […]

Poetry in Strange Times

Poetry in Strange Times Video A microlecture titled ‘As climate changes, I order a salad: contemporary poetry and the strange times of climate change’ by Sam Solnick, University of Liverpool that discusses three poems that focus on temporalities associated with climate change. The video also discusses the role of media and poetry in shaping the […]

Climate Change and the Roman Empire

Climate Change and the Roman Empire Video A video (talk delivered by Michael McCormick) to learn about the connection between history, archaeology, and climate by understanding the relationship between climate change and historical change in Medieval Europe and in the Roman Empire. Students will learn about reconstruction of mediaeval climate, links between climate and history, […]

Fall of the Pyramid Age of Egypt

Fall of the Pyramid Age of Egypt Audio An audio by Michael Dee at ‘Teddy Talks’, University of Oxford that discusses the potential role of climate change in the collapse of the ‘pyramid age’ in Egypt. The audio discusses a timeline of the historic Northeast African region and its societies at the beginning of the […]


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