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Precipitation Patterns and Climate Change

Precipitation Patterns and Climate Change Video A video micro-lecture by Jeff Dozier, University of California, Santa Barbara, that explains how climate change can affect the water cycle on Earth. Students will learn that rising temperatures can affect and change precipitation patterns. They will further understand how such changes can potentially affect communities through examples from […]

Historical Climatology- The Roman Empire

Historical Climatology- The Roman Empire Video A video by Michael McCormick, Harvard University that discusses the link between science, history and climate change. The lecture discusses the history of Rome and Medieval Europe through the use of archaeological tools, genetics and computer science. It highlights some drastic climatic events that led to changes within the […]

Interactive Quiz on the Water Cycle

Interactive Quiz on the Water Cycle Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive quiz about the Water Cycle. This quiz by NASA’s Global Climate Change website allows students to test their knowledge about the natural water cycle and its role in Earth’s climate. Students will be quizzed on various aspects of the water cycle, including evaporation and precipitation. […]

Climate Images for Effective Visual Communication

Climate Images for Effective Visual Communication Model/Simulation A collection of climate-related images for effective visual communication of climate-related and climate change-related topics. Students can select suitable images from a library of carefully curated climate-related  images for effectivecommunication of a chosen message. About Tool Tool Name Climate Visuals from Climate Outreach Discipline Humanities Topic(s) in Discipline […]

Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change

Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change Teaching Module A teaching module that discusses the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. This reading by University The Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) describes the 2 cycles and details how the components are cycled through different parts of the Earth- atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. Students will be introduced […]

Postcolonial Studies and Climate Change

Postcolonial Studies and Climate Change Reading A reading by Dipesh Chakrabarty, The University of Chicago titled ‘Postcolonial Studies and the Challenge of Climate Change’ discusses the link between globalisation and global warming. Chakrabarty discusses this link through the writings of Homi K. Bhabha, which aims to stretch post colonial thinking to include the reality of […]

The Chemistry Connection

Climate Change: The Chemistry Connection Reading Module A reading titled, ‘Finding Chemistry Connections in Climate Change’ by Jason Olsen for the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT), provides an introduction to climate change, its impacts and their connection to chemistry. This reading includes discussions on topics in Chemistry that teachers can teach which have a […]

Volcanic Eruptions, Climate Change, and Food Crises

Volcanic Eruptions, Climate Change, and Food Crises Video A video to learn about the link between volcanic forcing of global climate and the English food crisis of 1258. Students will learn and discuss topics in mediaeval economic history: the mega-eruption of the Samalas Volcano in Indonesia; its effects on global climate; the devastating consequences on […]

Chemistry and Climate Change

Chemistry and Climate Change Reading Module A reading titled ‘Role of Chemistry in Earth’s Climate’ by A. R. Ravishankara, Yinon Rudich, and John A. Pyle in the American Chemical Society. This article is part of the ‘Chemistry in Climate’ special issue and provides an overview of the links between chemistry and climate change. This short […]

Teaching Climate Change in the Humanities and History Classrooms

Teaching Climate Change in the Humanities and History Classrooms Video A panel discussion titled ‘Teaching Climate Change: Perspectives from History and the Humanities’ hosted by the Not Even Past platform of the Department of History at the University of Texas at Austin. The roundtable features Stephanie LeMenager, University of Oregon, Carlos E. Ramos Scharron, University […]


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