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Carbon Pricing Dashboard of the World Bank

Classroom/Laboratory Activity

An interactive visualisation tool with map, data and downloadable graphs to understand the carbon pricing initiatives of various nations over a thirty-year period from 1991 to 2021. The tool ‘Carbon Pricing Dashboard- Map & Data’ of the World Bank includes greenhouse gas emissions, carbon prices implemented across different countries and the value of the carbon pricing initiatives (ETS or Carbon Tax).

Students will be able to explore data from different regions or countries, download the data/graphs on their carbon pricing data and draw comparisons to improve understanding of the real-world scenario of carbon pricing across various geographies. They will also be able to determine which carbon pricing initiative is most suitable for that region.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. Discuss the share of the global greenhouse gas emissions by regions from 1991 to 2021
  2. Carbon pricing is used as an instrument for making climate change policies Discuss. 
About Tool
Tool Name Carbon Pricing Dashboard 
Discipline Economics
Topic(s) in Discipline Environmental Economics, Carbon Emissions, Carbon Pricing, Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) Cost-Benefit Analysis, Greenhouse Gas Emissions 
Climate Topic Climate Economics
Type of tool Classroom/ Laboratory Activity
Grade Level Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by The World Bank
Hosted at The World Bank
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic


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