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Climate Change in the Chemistry Classroom

Climate Change in the Chemistry Classroom Video Module A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Chemistry teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Chemistry. This video lecture is part of an online e-learning course […]

Hydrocarbon Combustion

Hydrocarbon Combustion Reading A reading that introduces hydrocarbons, fossil fuels, and the products of combustion of different hydrocarbons such as carbon dioxide- a greenhouse gas. Students will learn about the products of the combustion of different hydrocarbons. The reading includes an animation that shows the net reaction of hydrocarbon combustion. Students will learn to assess […]

Ocean Buffer Chemistry

Ocean Buffer Chemistry Video A video micro-lecture that explains carbonate buffering in the ocean. It includes discussions on the changes in the chemical composition of the ocean caused by a higher concentration of dissolved CO2,ocean acidification and the resulting effect on ocean biota. Students will learn how oceans behave as carbon sinks by absorbing atmospheric […]

Volcanoes and Climate

Teach Climate Science with the Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change​ Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom activity that teaches students about the different atmospheric aerosols and gases released during volcanic eruptions and how they can affect climate. Students will analyse the data of emissions of water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide(SO2) from volcanic eruptions. […]

What are Aerosols?

What are Aerosols? Classroom/Laboratory Activity A quiz to understand atmospheric aerosols, their basic characteristics and impact on climate. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: What are aerosols and what are the sources of atmospheric aerosols? Explain how atmospheric aerosols can have a cooling or warming effect on the planet. About Tool […]

Carbon Sequestration in Soil

Carbon Sequestration in Soil Reading A reading by Judith D. Schwatz for YaleE360, published at the Yale School of the Environment, that describes how carbon is stored in soil. It discusses carbon sequestration, carbon capture and storage and carbon sources and sinks. It further highlights how the release of carbon from the soil due to […]

The Concrete Problem

The Concrete Problem Reading A reading that describes how the cement industry contributes to global warming. This reading by Carbon Brief discusses the production of traditional cement and how this contributes to 8% of carbon dioxide emissions globally. It further highlights the projected increase in demand for concrete, particularly in developing countries, and how this […]

Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change

Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Reading A reading that describes natural carbon sources and sinks. This reading by Noelle Eckley Selin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, describes how anthropogenic activities alter the concentration of carbon in various sources and sinks, thus, contributing to global warming. Students will learn about the various types of carbon sinks and […]

Introduction to the Carbon Cycle

Introduction to the Carbon Cycle Reading An infographic that describes the Carbon Cycle and how anthropogenic activities affect the Carbon Cycle. This infographic by NASA explains how higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities are affecting the natural carbon cycle. Students will learn about the carbon cycle and the absorption […]

Quiz on Carbon Cycle

Quiz on Carbon Cycle Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive online quiz to test student’s understanding of the carbon cycle. This quiz by NASA can help students understand the various components of the carbon cycle and their influence on Earth’s climate Students will learn about the processes involved in regulating carbon and the role of atmospheric carbon […]


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