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Hadley Circulation

Hadley Circulation Reading A reading to learn about the Hadley Cell and a simple model for the Hadley Circulation, using the law of conservation of angular momentum. In this reading, students will discuss and explore the effects of changes in atmospheric dynamics on Hadley circulation and will analyze the potential impacts on climate. Use this […]

Rising Sea Surface Temperature and Hurricane Intensity

Rising Sea Surface Temperature and Hurricane Intensity Video A video to learn about hurricanes as heat engines, and the possible effects of increasing sea surface temperature on the intensity and frequency of hurricanes. Students will understand the process of hurricane formation, and the factors that influence the number and strength of hurricanes. They will discuss […]

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about radiation, heat transport, convection, and energy/mass conservation by interpreting and mapping the Hadley Circulation. Students will analyse and map real data through the NASA MERRA reanalysis model to understand the actual impact of the Hadley Cell on the Earth’s climate system […]

Planetary Temperatures

Planetary Temperatures Reading A reading that discusses the blackbody emission properties of the Sun and planets, describes the calculation of planetary temperatures by using the Stefan-Boltzmann Law, and explains the effect of atmospheres on planetary temperatures. Students will learn to apply the Stefan-Boltzmann equation to determine the total energy flux emitted by the Sun’s surface […]

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect Reading A reading titled ‘The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to the book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’ by Spencer Weart. It includes discussions on the greenhouse effect […]

General Circulation Models of Climate

General Circulation Models of Climate Reading A reading titled ‘General Circulation Models of Climate’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to the book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’ by Spencer Weart. It summarises the complexity of Earth System […]

Milankovitch Orbital Parameters

Milankovitch Orbital Parameters Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to learn about changes in Earth’s climate caused by variations in the solar energy received by the planet over geological time scales and to understand the role of the orbital parameters (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) in causing ice age cycles (Milankovitch cycles) on Earth. Students can vary orbital parameters […]

Planetary Energy Balance

Planetary Energy Balance Teaching Module A teaching module including readings and associated links by the American Chemical Society that discusses the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing terrestrial energy and its relationship with the surface temperature of the Earth. This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested […]

Introduction to Planetary Energy Balance

Introduction to Planetary Energy Balance Reading A reading by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education that discusses how the surface temperature of the Earth can be calculated through simple energy balance equations.This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about planetary energy […]

The Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis Effect Classroom/Laboratory Activity A hands-on classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the Coriolis Effect. In this activity, students use a simple paper-based model to understand how the Coriolis Effect influences the direction of winds, currents, and other objects in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: […]


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