The Carbon Footprint of Food
The Carbon Footprint of Food Game A game with flashcards that contain the carbon emissions (in gCO2e) of different foods. This game has been developed by GGDOT with Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change. A picture of the food item is on each card with the following categories: Emissions Water Fibre Calories Protein Driving […]
The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items
The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items Game A computer-based game developed by Take a Bite Out Of Climate Change that shows the carbon footprints (in gCO2e) of different food items. The objective of the calculator is to select different items from a list, ranging from apple pie with cream to […]
Feeding The Planet
Feeding The Planet Audio An audio podcast by Jason Fields for the World Bank titled ‘Table for 10 Billion Podcast: How can the world feed itself as the planet heats up? that discusses the link between human-induced climate change and agriculture. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested […]
Climate Change in the Economics Classroom
Climate Change in the Economics Classroom Video A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Economics teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Economics. This video lecture is part of an online e-learning course (MOOC) […]