Climate Change, the Economy, and Society

Climate Change, the Economy, and Society Model/Simulation A model/simulation to understand the relationships between climate change, economics, and social factors. Students will customise parameters related to policy (such as emissions-related tax or treaty), climate (such as levels of climate sensitivity and harm), and economy (such as growth and energy efficiency) to observe the corresponding effects […]
Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 3

Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 3 Reading A reading from the ‘Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change’ by economist Nicholas Stern for the Government of the United Kingdom which contains discussions on the need to stabilise greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and the subsequents cost of doing the same. The reading is […]
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Recession and Economic Policies

The COVID-19 Pandemic, Recession and Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and […]
Economic Trade-offs

Economic Trade-offs Teaching Module A teaching module titled ‘Choices’ from a course on climate change by the Fraser Institute. This teachingmodule will help students understand the importance of trade-offs and evaluate the costs and benefits ofclimate change proposals. Students will learn about carbon emissions, trade-offs, opportunity costs, and resource use. They will beexposed to two […]