A video microlecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, titled “Plate Movements Mountains and Climate Change”. This video lecture is part 4 of this 46-part video series titled ‘OceanographyChapter 16: Oceans and Climate’ available at the Murtugudde Climate Academy channel on YouTube. This video lecture, which discusses the link between tectonic plate movements and climate change, can be used as an introduction to teach about climate change and the lithosphere. It discusses how past and present plate movements contribute to the current changing climate.
Students will learn about the lithosphere and the link between tectonic plate movement and climate change. They will also learn about the tectonic plate movements on a geological timescale and their role in creating the current global climate system.
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TROP ICSU is a project of the International Union of Biological Sciences and Centre for Sustainability, Environment and Climate Change, FLAME University.