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Climate Change-related Human Migration-Policy Measures


An audio podcast to learn about climate change-related human migration and its outcomes, and to initiate a discussion on policy measures that can help in better management of population movement caused by climate change.

Students will learn about climate change-related events that may cause human migration, the types of climate change-related migration, the positive and negative outcomes of such population movement, and policies that could help in better preparation and handling of displacement and resettlement.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. What are the adverse health outcomes of climate change-related human migration?
  2. What are the positive effects of climate change-related human migration?
  3. Propose and discuss a policy measure that can facilitate the resettlement of vulnerable populations living in low-lying coastal areas that are threatened by sea-level rise.
About Tool
Tool Name Climate Change and Migration
Discipline Social Sciences; Environmental Science
Topic(s) in Discipline Climate Refugees, Public Policy, Human Migration
Climate Topic Policy, Politics and Environmental Governance; Climate and Health 
Type of tool Audio (12.37 minutes)
Grade Level Undergraduate
Location      –
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Podcast: The Researcher’s Perspective
Hosted at Environmental Health Perspectives  
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13