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Climate Change, the Environment, and Human Health

Teaching Module

A teaching module to learn about the impacts of climate change on human health, and to discuss climate adaptation and mitigation measures that would reduce these health-related risks.

Students will apply systems thinking to learn about the changing climatic conditions on Earth; the effects of a changing climate on organisms and ecosystems, and the consequent impacts on the distribution and spread of climate-sensitive diseases. They will also discuss climate mitigation measures and climate adaptation actions that would benefit human health.

The topics in the module are Temperature-related Death and Illness; Air Quality Impacts; Extreme Events; Vector-Borne Diseases; Water-Related Illness; Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution; and Mental Health and Well-Being.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. How would an increase in precipitation caused by climate change affect the environment and human health?
  2. For health problems arising from extreme heat (caused by climate change), identify the vulnerable populations. Describe a climate mitigation measure that would also address heat-related health problems.
About Tool
Tool Name Climate Change |A Human Health Perspective. A Student Exploration of the Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States
Discipline Environmental Science, Social Sciences
Topic(s) in Discipline Human Health, Disease, Disasters and Hazards, Vector-Borne Diseases, Water-Related Illness, Food Safety, Mental Health and Well-Being
Climate Topic Climate and the Biosphere; Climate and Health; Climate and the Anthroposphere; Policy, Politics and Environmental Governance
Type of tool Teaching Module
Grade Level High School
Location North America, USA
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Dana Brown Haine and Stefani Dawn
Hosted at National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Access Online/Offline
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13


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