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Climate Change - The Teacher Friendly Guide


A reading titled ‘The Teacher Friendly Guide to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This book includes the following chapters:

1. Why Teach About Climate Change? by Don Duggan-Haas

  1. Why Teaching About Climate Change Matters
  2. Science Learning, Its Application, and Politics
  3. We All Have Biases
  4. Systems and Scales
  5. Love and Beauty Will Persist
  6. Resources

2. What Should Everyone Understand About Climate Change and Energy? by Don Duggan-Haas

  1. What Do You Think?
  2. Collecting Expert Opinions
  3.  Consensus Documents
  4. Striving for a Coherent Conceptual Framework
  5.  Resources

3. What is Climate? by Ingrid H. H. Zabel and Others

  1. Climate is a System
  2. Measuring Climate
  3. Greenhouse Gases and Global Temperature
  4. Natural Causes of Climate Change
  5. Summary
  6. Resources

4. Climate Change Through Earth History by Robert M. Ross and Others

  1. Why Past Climate Change Matters
  2. Observing Climate Through Time in the Rock Record
  3. History of the Earth’s Climate
  4. History of the Earth’s Climate
  5. Summary
  6. Resources

5. Evidence For and Causes of Recent Climate Change by Ingrid H. H. Zabel and Others

  1. Changing Temperatures and Carbon Dioxide
  2. Shrinking Ice Sheets and Glaciers
  3. Changing Sea Ice Extent
  4. Thawing Permafrost
  5. Rising Sea Level
  6. Causes of Recent Climate Change
  7. What are the Likely Effects of Climate Change Going to Be?
  8. Resources

6. US Regional Climates, Current and Future by Ingrid H. H. Zabel and Benjamin Brown-Steiner

  1. Describing Climates
  2. Northeast
  3. Southeast
  4. Midwest
  5. South Central
  6. Causes of Recent Climate ChangeNorthwest Central
  7. Southwest
  8. West
  9. Hawaii
  10. Alaska
  11. Resources

7. Climate Change Mitigation by Ingrid H. H. Zabel

  1. What is Mitigation?
  2. Mitigation Strategies
  3. Summary
  4. Resources
  5. Rising Sea Level.

8. Geoengineering by Ingrid H. H. Zabel

  1. Counteracting Climate Change
  2. Examples of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Techniques
  3. Examples of Solar Radiation Management (SRM) Techniques
  4. Geoengineering Choices
  5. Resources

9. Climate Change Adaptation by Ingrid H. H. Zabel

  1. How Much Does Adaptation Cost?
  2. Types of Adaptation Strategies
  3. Adaptation to Different Climate Hazards
  4. Equity and Social Justice Considerations
  5. Resources

10. Obstacles to Addressing Climate Change by Don Duggan-Haas

  1. Controversial Issues and Complex Systems
  2. Creating Meaningful Dialog
  3. Factors That Influence How We think
  4. How Do People Change Their Minds?
  5. How Can We Envision New Systems?
  6. Resources

11. Perspective by Don Duggan-Haas

  1. Apocalyptic Tales of Climate Change
  2. Use of Language and Perspective in Teaching Climate Change
  3. Hope and Optimism
  4. Apocalyptic Prophecies Versus Predictions of Climate Change
  5. Reality Check: A Personal Perspective
  6. Science Teaching Toward a Sustainable World
  7. Resources
About Tool
Tool Name The Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change
Discipline Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, Economics, Social Sciences, Humanities
Topic(s) in Discipline Climate Change Overview
Climate Topic Introduction to Climate Change, Climate Literacy
Type of tool Reading
Grade Level High School, Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross 
Hosted at Paleontological Research Institution
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic


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