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Climate Psychology and Psychotherapy


An audio interview by the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) of Paul Hoggett, Director of the Centre for Psycho- Social Studies at the University of the West of England and cofounder of CPA, and Caroline Hickman, climate psychology lecturer at University of Bath and psychotherapist, with host Verity Sharpon on climate psychology and psychotherapy. This interview discusses the importance of climate change conversations in psychotherapy and the practice of deep listening in therapy.

Students will be introduced to deep listening practices in psychotherapy such as non-judgemental listening, listening with respect and compassion, noticing the use of metaphors and imagery, noticing contradictions and silences, and asking open-ended questions. They will also be introduced to the two types of climate denials – soft denial and hard denial, and the role of ‘modelling’ in climate psychotherapy.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. What is climate psychology?
  2. What is ‘deep listening’ and how can it be used in psychotherapy?
  3. What are soft and hard climate denials? Discuss how to approach climate denial through psychotherapy.
About Tool
Tool Name Podcast: What is Climate Psychology? A Way of Listening… 
Discipline Social Sciences
Topic(s) in Discipline Psychology, Climate Psychology, Psychotherapy, Deep Listening, Climate Denial, Modelling 
Climate Topic Climate and Health, Climate and Society
Type of tool Audio (45 mins) 
Grade Level Graduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Climate Psychology Alliance (hosted by Verity Sharp)
Hosted at Climate Psychology Alliance 
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13


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