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Climate Solutions for Coastal and Ocean sinks sector


A website resource designed and developed by ‘Project Drawdown’ that offers a sector-wise list of solutions to the climate crisis. It includes readings on specific solutions for various sectors and sub-sectors such as:

  1. Protect and Restore Ecosystems like mangroves, salt marshes, microalgae and seagrass meadows to enhance photosynthesis and carbon storage
  2. Adopt techniques that augment natural carbon sequestration from from seaweed and kelp while growing fibre and food from the sea

This reading includes specific solutions from each sub-sector within the coastal and ocean sinks sector. These solutions are based on adaptation scenarios, financial models, and are integrated with other solutions. They also include discussions related to each sub-sector.

Climate solutions for the coastal and ocean sinks sector included in the reading are:

  1. Coastal Wetland Protection
  2. Coastal Wetland Restoration
  3. Improved Fisheries
  4. Microalgae Protection and Restoration
  5. Seaweed Farming

Students will learn about climate solutions from the coastal and ocean sinks sector and sub-sectors.

Use this tool to help your students find
answers to:

  1. Explain the importance of Coastal Wetland Conservation.
  2. What is the role of microalgae in climate mitigation?
  3. Mention the techniques of sustainable fisheries.
About Tool
Tool Name Project Drawdown: Coastal and Ocean Sinks Sector
Discipline Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences
Topic(s) in Discipline Carbon Emissions, Conservation, Ecology, Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Aquaculture, Carbon Sequestration, Fishery, Marine Ecosystems
Climate Topic Climate Solutions, Climate and Biosphere 
Type of tool Reading
Grade Level High School, Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Project Drawdown
Hosted at Project Drawdown Website
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13


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