How Yukon glaciers are responding to climate change
How Yukon glaciers are responding to climate change Audio This audio podcast discusses how glaciers in the Yukon are responding to climate change. It focuses on changes in the physical characteristics of these glaciers and several methods used by glaciologists to track changes due to climate and weather. About Tool Tool Name How Yukon glaciers […]
Glaciers and Climate Change
Glaciers and Climate Change Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to explore the effects of melting ice sheets and the resulting sea level rise on coastal areas. Students will configure parameters related to glacial melt in Antarctica and/or Greenland, and will observe the effects of sea level rise on selected coastal regions in the U.S. Use this […]
If Global Temperature Rises by 4 C
If Global Temperature Rises by 4℃ Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe the effects of a global temperature increase of 4°C on human health, agriculture, forests, oceans and marine ecosystems, permafrost, water availability, and extreme climate events. Students will observe and discuss how a global temperature rise of 4°C will affect different regions in the […]
What is the Cryosphere?
What is the Cryosphere? Reading Module A short reading by the Aspen Global Change Institute that summarizes what the cryosphere is. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change and the role of the cryosphere. This reading includes overview discussions on the following topics: […]
Isotopic Compositions and Ice Cores
Isotopic Compositions and Ice Cores Reading A reading that explains how the analyses of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes from ice cores determine past temperatures on Earth. Students will learn how isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in water molecules from the ice-cores can be used to infer temperature variations in the past on Earth. Use […]
Permafrost and Climate Change
The Permafrost and Global Warming Classroom/Laboratory Activity A set of hands-on classroom and computer-based activities for students to learn about permafrost and to explore various web-based scientific data portals to investigate permafrost distribution, characteristics of permafrost, and the effects of thawing permafrost on the atmosphere and the environment. Note: The plan includes 3-4 activities; one […]
Permafrost and Climate Change
Thawing Permafrost and Climate Change Video A video that introduces permafrost and its distribution on Earth. The video also describes the changing nature of permafrost across several regions due to higher surface temperatures and thepossible impact of permafrost thawing on Earth’s climate. Students will learn about the characteristics of permafrost, its distribution across the globe […]
Teachers Guidebook: Oceans and the Cryosphere
Teacher’s Guidebook: Oceans and the Cryosphere Teaching Module The Office for Climate Education (OCE) presents a Teacher’s Guidebook that aims to support teachers in carrying out various activities on climate change and the ocean and cryosphere in their classrooms, and targets students of ages 9 to 15. The guidebook contains activities which aim to developing […]
Climate Change, Capitalism, and Communism in Arctic Communities
Climate Change, Capitalism, and Communism in Arctic Communities Audio An audio podcast (Prof. Bathsheba Demuth interviewed by Prof. Dagomar Degroot) to learn about environmental and climate-related changes in the Arctic, the history of capitalism and communism across the Bering Strait, and the unique ecological characteristics and economic ideologies in the Arctic that would be of […]
Teaching Linear Regression using Arctic Sea Ice Data
Teaching Linear Regression using Arctic Sea Ice Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory statistics and specifically linear regression. This lesson plan will allow you to teach introductory statistics through linear regression assignments. The lesson plan includes a […]