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Permafrost and Climate Change

The Permafrost and Global Warming Classroom/Laboratory Activity A set of hands-on classroom and computer-based activities for students to learn about permafrost and to explore various web-based scientific data portals to investigate permafrost distribution, characteristics of permafrost, and the effects of thawing permafrost on the atmosphere and the environment. Note: The plan includes 3-4 activities; one […]

Permafrost and Climate Change

Thawing Permafrost and Climate Change Video A video that introduces permafrost and its distribution on Earth. The video also describes the changing nature of permafrost across several regions due to higher surface temperatures and thepossible impact of permafrost thawing on Earth’s climate. Students will learn about the characteristics of permafrost, its distribution across the globe […]

What are Aerosols?

What are Aerosols? Classroom/Laboratory Activity A quiz to understand atmospheric aerosols, their basic characteristics and impact on climate. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: What are aerosols and what are the sources of atmospheric aerosols? Explain how atmospheric aerosols can have a cooling or warming effect on the planet. About Tool […]

Permafrost and Climate Change

Permafrost and Climate Change Overview As a high school or undergraduate Geography, Environmental Sciences or Earth Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about permafrost, the nature and distribution of permafrost in the Earth’s cryosphere, thawing of permafrost due to global warming which in turn, results in the release of […]

Fertilizers and Climate

Fertilizers and Climate Overview Overview As an undergraduate-level Chemistry teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about fertilizers, types of fertilizers, the assessment of different types of fertilizers, the possible effect of fertilizer use on the environment due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and best practices to mitigate […]

Infrared Spectroscopy and the Greenhouse Gas Effect

Infrared Spectroscopy and the Greenhouse Gas Effect Overview As an undergraduate-level Organic Chemistry teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you teach infrared (IR) spectroscopy and the use of IR spectra to detect functional groups in organic molecules. The lesson plan will help students differentiate between IR active molecules and IR […]

Phase Diagrams and Phase Equilibria

Phase Diagrams and Phase Equilibria Overview As an undergraduate Chemistry, Physics, or Earth Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach phase diagrams and phase equilibria. Phase diagrams can be used to understand the stability of different phases of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) under changing temperature and pressure. This lesson […]

Chemistry of Carbon Compounds

Teaching Chemistry of Carbon Compounds through Climate-related Examples Overview As a high school Chemistry teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching the chemistry of carbon and its compounds, the interaction of greenhouse gas molecules with electromagnetic radiation, and environmental chemistry This lesson plan allows students to visualize the […]


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