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COVID-19 and CO2 Emissions

Teaching Module

A webinar by Carbon Brief on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

The webinar includes discussions by the following climate scientist and analysts:

  1. Corinne Le Quéré,University of East Anglia, presented that CO2 released due to human activities fell by seventeen percent by April, 2020. This temporarily brought down the emissions to the levels observed in the year 2006
  2. Richard Betts, University of Exeter, said that while the CO2 concentrations were only eleven percent of the expected emissions for 2020, they have continued to rise and accumulate in the atmosphere.
  3. Lauri Myllyvirta,Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA), discussed his research related to emissions in China and India during the pandemic.
  4. Zeke Hausfather, director of Breakthrough Institute, discusses how 2019 might be the peak year for CO2 emissions.

Students will learn about the perspectives of various researchers and their interpretation of the CO2 concentrations recorded during the pandemic. They will also be introduced to various future predictions of emissions in different sectors, countries and under different policies.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. 1. What is the overall global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the CO2 concentrations?
  2. How does the change in CO2 concentrations impact climate change?
About Tool
Tool Name Webinar: What impact is Covid-19 having on global CO2 emissions?
Discipline Environmental Science, Economics
Topic(s) in Discipline Carbon Emissions, Economic Recovery, Economic Policy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, CO2 emissions, COVID-19, Environmental Economics, Atmospheric CO2, Economic Policies, COVID-19 Pandemic and the Economy
Climate Topic Greenhouse Effect, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy, Climate Economics
Type of tool Video (66 mins)
Grade Level High School, Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Carbon Brief
Hosted at Carbon Brief Website
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13


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