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Data Visualization of GHG Emissions


CAIT Climate Data Explorer by World Resources Institute (WRI) showcases the world’s top greenhouse gas-emitting countries with the latest global data available till the year 2013. This interactive chart can be used to explore it by country and by economic sector, showing how the top emitters have changed in recent years.

About Tool
Tool Name World’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Discipline Environmental Sciences
Topic(s) in Discipline Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Climate Topic Climate Variability Record, Greenhouse Effect
Type of tool Model/Simulation
Grade Level High School, Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Graphic by Johannes Friedrich based on work by Duncan Clark, Kiln, Mike Bostock and Jason Davies, Jamie Cotta. Data by the World  Resources Institute (WRI)
Hosted at CAIT Climate Data Explorer
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic


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