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Isotopic Compositions and Ice Cores

Isotopic Compositions and Ice Cores Reading A reading that explains how the analyses of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes from ice cores determine past temperatures on Earth. Students will learn how isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in water molecules from the ice-cores can be used to infer temperature variations in the past on Earth. Use […]

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle Reading A reading that describes the impacts of climate change on the water cycle of Earth. This reading titled, ‘The Water Cycle and Climate Change’ by UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) Center for Science Education details the effects of climate change on the natural water cycle on Earth. Students will learn […]

Precipitation Patterns and Climate Change

Precipitation Patterns and Climate Change Video A video micro-lecture by Jeff Dozier, University of California, Santa Barbara, that explains how climate change can affect the water cycle on Earth. Students will learn that rising temperatures can affect and change precipitation patterns. They will further understand how such changes can potentially affect communities through examples from […]

Interactive Quiz on the Water Cycle

Interactive Quiz on the Water Cycle Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive quiz about the Water Cycle. This quiz by NASA’s Global Climate Change website allows students to test their knowledge about the natural water cycle and its role in Earth’s climate. Students will be quizzed on various aspects of the water cycle, including evaporation and precipitation. […]

Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change

Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change Teaching Module A teaching module that discusses the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. This reading by University The Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) describes the 2 cycles and details how the components are cycled through different parts of the Earth- atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. Students will be introduced […]

Food Security

Food Security Video A video micro-lecture to understand the topic of food security and learn about the relationship between food production and the climate. Students will learn about food security, the various dimensions of food security, the possible effects of food production on climate, and the influence of climate change on crop yields. Use this […]

The Science and Modeling of Climate Change

The Science and Modeling of Climate Change Online Course An e-learning course to learn about the science of climate change, simple climate models, natural factors and human activities that influence climate, and options to mitigate climate change. Students will perform exercises and activities to model the greenhouse effect, various feedback mechanisms that influence climate, the […]

An Introduction to Climate Change

An Introduction to Climate Change Online Course An e-learning course to learn the basics of climate change science, climate change policies, climate change adaptation and mitigation, climate change finance, and climate change action. The course contains the following modules: Climate Change Science International Legal and Policy Framework for Climate Change Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change […]

Ancient Civilizations and Climate Change

Ancient Civilizations and Climate Change Video A video lecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, on the historic record of human activity from the start of the Holocene period, 11,000 years ago, to the Little Ice Age. This video lecture is part 2 of a 3-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change on Historic Timescales’ of […]

Ocean Buffer Chemistry

Ocean Buffer Chemistry Video A video micro-lecture that explains carbonate buffering in the ocean. It includes discussions on the changes in the chemical composition of the ocean caused by a higher concentration of dissolved CO2,ocean acidification and the resulting effect on ocean biota. Students will learn how oceans behave as carbon sinks by absorbing atmospheric […]


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