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The Way We Eat

The Way We Eat Video A video microlecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, titled ‘Plant Rich Diet’. This video lecture is part of a video series titled ‘Climate Solutions: Drawdown, Designing Solution, Avoiding Disaster, Green Economy, Adaptation’ available at the Murtugudde Climate Academy channel on YouTube. This video lecture, which discusses climate solutions from […]

Evolutionary Adaptation in Response to Climate Change

Evolutionary Adaptation in Response to Climate Change Video A video that briefly describes evolutionary adaptations in animals due to climate change. This video by educator, Erin Eastwood, for TED-Ed introduces the topic of evolutionary adaptation and how animals are forced to evolve to changed environments caused by climate change. Students will learn how climate change […]

Can People Change Climate?

Can People Change Climate? Reading A reading by Spencer Weart, the American Institute of Physics (AIP) titled ‘Biosphere: How Life Alters Climate’. This reading is part of an online book titled ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate and […]

Culture, Heritage and Climate Change

Culture, Heritage and Climate Change Video Module A panel discussion organised by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council on the impact of climate change on the built environment. The lecture consists of a panel discussion that focuses on the links between climate change, preservation and future sustainability of historical buildings and […]

Climate Change and the Future of Food

Climate Change and the Future of Food Teaching Module A teaching module titled ‘Module 9: Food and Climate Change’ from the ‘Future of Foods’ course hosted by the InTeGrate program of the Science Education Resource Centre (SERC), Carleton College. This teaching module discusses the impacts of human-induced climate change on food production and includes instructor […]

The Economics of Oil

The Economics of Oil Model/Simulation A model/simulator to understand the prediction of peak global oil production, and to learn about oil as an energy source, its peak and reserves, and the economics and geopolitics of oil. Students will customize parameters such as the peak year, peak width, and the total reservoir size to view the […]

Teacher Guide to Climate Change- Agriculture

Teacher’s Guide to Climate Change – Agriculture Teaching Module A teaching module by Our Climate Our Future titled ‘Agriculture and Climate Change’ that discusses the impacts of climate change on agricultural crops and products. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about food security or agriculture. […]

Climate Change and the Syrian Civil War

Climate Change and the Syrian Civil War Reading A reading titled ‘Climate change in the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian drought’ by Kelley et al (2015), in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) that discusses how climate change could have caused the 2007-2010 drought that may have led to the […]

Climate Change Impacts- A Comic

Climate Change Impacts- A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India that introduces the impacts of climate change on fragile ecosystems and how it affects the lives of people living there. This comic is inspired by a talk by Mayuresh Gangal, Nature Conservation Foundation, Bengaluru, India […]

Global Warming and Sleep Deprivation

Global Warming and Sleep Deprivation Video A video that discusses the potential impact of global warming on human health and sleep cycles. This video by Ryan Cross, hosted on the website of the journal Science, describes the effects of warmer temperatures on sleep quality in individuals in the United States. Students will learn how sleep […]


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