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Predicting Future Carbon Emissions

Predicting Future Carbon Emissions Model/Simulation A model/simulation to learn about and use the Kaya Identity to predict future carbon emissions. Students will customize parameters such as changes in population, GDP per capita, energy intensity, and carbon intensity of energy sources to observe the model’s  predictions on future carbon emissions. Use this tool to help your […]

Climate Change-related Human Migration-Policy Measures

Climate Change-related Human Migration-Policy Measures Audio An audio podcast to learn about climate change-related human migration and its outcomes, and to initiate a discussion on policy measures that can help in better management of population movement caused by climate change. Students will learn about climate change-related events that may cause human migration, the types of […]

An Introduction to Climate Change

An Introduction to Climate Change Online Course An e-learning course to learn the basics of climate change science, climate change policies, climate change adaptation and mitigation, climate change finance, and climate change action. The course contains the following modules: Climate Change Science International Legal and Policy Framework for Climate Change Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change […]

Ancient Civilizations and Climate Change

Ancient Civilizations and Climate Change Video A video lecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, on the historic record of human activity from the start of the Holocene period, 11,000 years ago, to the Little Ice Age. This video lecture is part 2 of a 3-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change on Historic Timescales’ of […]

Climate Change and Water

Climate Change and Water Teaching Module A teaching module to introduce the impact of climate change on water systems and the resulting effects on human society. Students will learn about the link between climate change and water, and the factors that cause a location to be vulnerable to climate change. They will also read and […]

Hydrocarbon Combustion

Hydrocarbon Combustion Reading A reading that introduces hydrocarbons, fossil fuels, and the products of combustion of different hydrocarbons such as carbon dioxide- a greenhouse gas. Students will learn about the products of the combustion of different hydrocarbons. The reading includes an animation that shows the net reaction of hydrocarbon combustion. Students will learn to assess […]

Ocean Buffer Chemistry

Ocean Buffer Chemistry Video A video micro-lecture that explains carbonate buffering in the ocean. It includes discussions on the changes in the chemical composition of the ocean caused by a higher concentration of dissolved CO2,ocean acidification and the resulting effect on ocean biota. Students will learn how oceans behave as carbon sinks by absorbing atmospheric […]

Permafrost and Climate Change

The Permafrost and Global Warming Classroom/Laboratory Activity A set of hands-on classroom and computer-based activities for students to learn about permafrost and to explore various web-based scientific data portals to investigate permafrost distribution, characteristics of permafrost, and the effects of thawing permafrost on the atmosphere and the environment. Note: The plan includes 3-4 activities; one […]

Permafrost and Climate Change

Thawing Permafrost and Climate Change Video A video that introduces permafrost and its distribution on Earth. The video also describes the changing nature of permafrost across several regions due to higher surface temperatures and thepossible impact of permafrost thawing on Earth’s climate. Students will learn about the characteristics of permafrost, its distribution across the globe […]

Volcanoes and Climate

Teach Climate Science with the Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change​ Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom activity that teaches students about the different atmospheric aerosols and gases released during volcanic eruptions and how they can affect climate. Students will analyse the data of emissions of water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide(SO2) from volcanic eruptions. […]


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