Climate Change, the Cryosphere, and Rising Sea Levels
Climate Change, the Cryosphere, and Rising Sea Levels Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity that introduces the relationship between climate and the cryosphere, explains how sea-level rise can be predicted (based on average global temperature change), and triggers a discussion on the potential impacts of sea-level rise. In this activity, students will examine actual data for […]
Upwelling Video A microlecture (video) that introduces the topic of upwelling in oceans and how the direction of motion of water in the oceans is influenced by the Coriolis Effect. Students will learn how the Coriolis Effect on the Trade Winds at the equator influences the movement of surface water in the oceans causing an […]
Earth’s Climate and the Cryosphere: An Overview
Earth’s Climate and the Cryosphere: An Overview Teaching Module A teaching module by the EarthLabs section of the Science Education Resources Center (SERC), Carleton College, titled ‘Climate and the Cryosphere: Unit Overview’ that discusses the link between climate change and Earth’s cryosphere. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers […]
Climate Change and the Lithosphere
Climate Change and the Lithosphere Video A video microlecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, titled “Plate Movements Mountains and Climate Change”. This video lecture is part 4 of this 46-part video series titled ‘OceanographyChapter 16: Oceans and Climate’ available at the Murtugudde Climate Academy channel on YouTube. This video lecture, which discusses the link […]
How Yukon glaciers are responding to climate change
How Yukon glaciers are responding to climate change Audio This audio podcast discusses how glaciers in the Yukon are responding to climate change. It focuses on changes in the physical characteristics of these glaciers and several methods used by glaciologists to track changes due to climate and weather. About Tool Tool Name How Yukon glaciers […]
Glaciers and Climate Change
Glaciers and Climate Change Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to explore the effects of melting ice sheets and the resulting sea level rise on coastal areas. Students will configure parameters related to glacial melt in Antarctica and/or Greenland, and will observe the effects of sea level rise on selected coastal regions in the U.S. Use this […]
Impact of Climate Change on Cities
Impact of Climate Change on Cities Online Course An e-learning course to understand how cities are impacted by and influence climate change. Students will learn about how urban areas contribute to climate change, how climate change affects cities, and how climate change adaptation and mitigation can be included in urban planning. Use this tool to […]
If Global Temperature Rises by 4 C
If Global Temperature Rises by 4℃ Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe the effects of a global temperature increase of 4°C on human health, agriculture, forests, oceans and marine ecosystems, permafrost, water availability, and extreme climate events. Students will observe and discuss how a global temperature rise of 4°C will affect different regions in the […]
The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California
The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe and understand the possible effects of sea-level rise and different storm scenarios on the coast of California. Students will configure parameters such as the amount of sea-level rise and the frequency of storm scenarios to observe the corresponding effects […]
Determining Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise
Determining Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the rate of sea-level rise and the response of shorelines to sea-level change. Students will examine and analyze sea-level change data and shoreline response for the coast of California including Point Reyes National Seashore. They will learn about coastal vulnerability and […]