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Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty

Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty Reading A feature story on a comprehensive report by the World Bank that describes the threat of climate change to poor people and the ways to offset it through adaptation and mitigation strategies. The students will view an embedded video to understand the need for policies to manage the […]

Naomi Klein discusses ‘This Changes Everything’

Naomi Klein discusses ‘This Changes Everything’ Video A video by award-winning journalist, author and filmmaker, Naomi Klein, at the Cambridge Forum about her book titled, ‘This Changes Everything’. In this video, Naomi Klein summarizes her book and explains why she thinks that capitalism is the real cause for climate change. Students will learn how capitalism, […]

Amitav Ghosh on the Politics of Climate Change

Amitav Ghosh on the Politics of Climate Change Video A video lecture by Amitav Ghosh, author of ‘The Great Derangement: Fiction, History, and Politics in the Age of Global Warming’ as part of a 4 part lecture series delivered at the University of Chicago’s Randy L. & Melvin R. Berlin Family Lectures. In this video […]

Introduction to Gender and Climate Change

Introduction to Gender and Climate Change Reading A guidebook of gender-sensitive approaches to climate change policy for city planning. It discusses the different ways in which women and men are affected by climate change. This guidebook includes discussions on gender inequalities such as gender division of labour, gender differentials in income, gender biases in decision […]

Gender and Climate Change Policy

Gender and Climate Change Policy Reading A guidebook of gender-sensitive approaches to climate change policy for city planning. It discusses the different ways in which women and men are affected by climate change. This guidebook includes discussions on gender inequalities such as gender division of labour, gender differentials in income, gender biases in decision making, […]

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change Reading This reading is a comprehensive overview of how capitalism has shaped our response and reaction to climate change. This book is divided into three parts – Bad Timing, Magical thinking and Starting Anyway. Bad timing deals with how Free Market Fundamentalism, Invisible Hand and similar economic ideologies […]

Fall of the Pyramid Age of Egypt

Fall of the Pyramid Age of Egypt Audio An audio by Michael Dee at ‘Teddy Talks’, University of Oxford that discusses the potential role of climate change in the collapse of the ‘pyramid age’ in Egypt. The audio discusses a timeline of the historic Northeast African region and its societies at the beginning of the […]

Historical Climatology- The Roman Empire

Historical Climatology- The Roman Empire Video A video by Michael McCormick, Harvard University that discusses the link between science, history and climate change. The lecture discusses the history of Rome and Medieval Europe through the use of archaeological tools, genetics and computer science. It highlights some drastic climatic events that led to changes within the […]

Climate Change, The Humanities, and Planetary Citizenship

Climate Change, The Humanities, and Planetary Citizenship Video A video microlecture by Stephanie LeMenager, Radcliffe Institute fellow (2016–2017), Harvard University titled ‘Climate Citizenship and the Humanities’. This short video discusses the role of the Humanities in understanding climate change and dealing with its impacts. It introduces the term ‘planetary citizens’ in an era of unpredictable […]

Food Security

Food Security Video A video micro-lecture to understand the topic of food security and learn about the relationship between food production and the climate. Students will learn about food security, the various dimensions of food security, the possible effects of food production on climate, and the influence of climate change on crop yields. Use this […]


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