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Global Warming and Sleep Deprivation


A video that discusses the potential impact of global warming on human health and sleep cycles. This video by Ryan Cross, hosted on the website of the journal Science, describes the effects of warmer temperatures on sleep quality in individuals in the United States.

Students will learn how sleep is negatively affected by higher nighttime temperatures that lead to adverse impacts on human health. They will further learn how certain vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds tend to be more severely affected.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. How does climate change induced warming impact sleep cycles?
  2. Discuss some negative impacts on individual health due to sleep deprivation.
About Tool
Tool Name Scientists warn of sleepless nights in a warming world
Discipline Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences
Topic(s) in Discipline Human Health, Sleep, Sleep Cycles, Sleep Deprivation
Climate Topic Climate and Health
Type of tool Video (3 mins)
Grade Level High School
Location Global, North America, United States
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Ryan Cross
Hosted at Science
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13


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