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Human Migration and Displacement

Human Migration and Displacement Reading A reading from ‘The Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene’ by The Center for Climate and Security on human migration and displacement caused by climate change. It describes the impacts of climate change on voluntary and forced human migration and displacement through examples from […]

Population Demographics In A Warming World

Population Demographics In A Warming World Reading A short reading by the Population Reference Bureau on climate change impacts and population demographics. This reading discusses potential climate change impacts on human communities with respect to changes in size and distribution of the global population. It also includes discussions on urbanization and population growth in developing […]

Cognitive Bias and Climate Change

Cognitive Bias and Climate Change Teaching Module As a teacher of Psychology in the Social Sciences, you can use this teaching module to draw a link between psychological bias and climate change. Through this module students will learn about the ‘MPG Illusion’ and the influence cognitive biases have in altering human behaviour towards climate change. […]

Climate Change and Mental Health

Climate Change and Mental Health Audio An audio podcast of the American Psychological Association where Dr. Susan Claytonto speaks about the impacts of climate change on mental health and well-being. The students will be introduced to Clayton’s work on psychological response to climate change. They will learn about mental health consequences of climate change such […]

Impact of Climate Change on Children

Impact of Climate Change on Children Online Course An e-learning course to learn about the impact of climate change on children. Students will understand the effects of climate change on children, discuss climate resilience and climate change mitigation actions that can benefit children, and learn about the empowerment of children and protection of children’s rights […]

The Food System and Climate Change

The Food System and Climate Change Teaching Module A teaching module to understand the two-way relationship between the food system and climate change. Students will learn about climate change and the specific impacts of climate change on agriculture. They will also discuss actions to reduce the impact of the food system on climate change. Use […]

Psychology of Climate Denial

Psychology of Climate Denial Audio This is an audio podcast of The Guardian on the psychology of climate science denial. This tool discusses psychological barriers and cognitive biases that determine individual responses to climate change. Students will learn about the cognitive biases that play a pivotal role in climate science denial such as Confirmation Bias […]

Teaching Climate Change in the Sociology Classroom

Teaching Climate Change in the Sociology Classroom Video Teaching module of resources and activities that accompanies ‘The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This teaching module includes videos and classroom/laboratory activities on the following topics Societal causes of climate change Causes […]

Climate Change in the Social Sciences Classroom

Climate Change in the Social Sciences Classroom Reading An article titled ‘Climate Change in the Social Studies Classroom: A “Why” and “How to” Guide Using the C3 Framework’ by Lori M Kumler and Bethany Vosburg-Bluem published in the journal Social Education of the National Council for the Social Studies. This reading uses the C3 framework […]

Climate Change in the Social Sciences Classroom

Climate Change in the Social Sciences Classroom Video A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Social Sciences teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Social Sciences. This video lecture is part of an online […]


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