Fossil Fuels and the Climate Crisis- A Comic
Fossil Fuels and the Climate Crisis- A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India that introduces different forms of energy and how carbon based fossil fuels are causing global warming. This comic is inspired by a talk by Deepa Kushalani, TIFR, India titled ‘Energy Sources and […]
Quiz on Carbon Cycle
Quiz on Carbon Cycle Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive online quiz to test student’s understanding of the carbon cycle. This quiz by NASA can help students understand the various components of the carbon cycle and their influence on Earth’s climate Students will learn about the processes involved in regulating carbon and the role of atmospheric carbon […]
Climate Change Impacts- A Comic
Climate Change Impacts- A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India that introduces the impacts of climate change on fragile ecosystems and how it affects the lives of people living there. This comic is inspired by a talk by Mayuresh Gangal, Nature Conservation Foundation, Bengaluru, India […]
Climate Change: What Can You Do? A Comic
Climate Change: What Can You Do? A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India on climate solutions. This comic is inspired by a video discussion with OhScrapMadras and LataSitaa titled ‘Our Lifestyle Choices and Climate Crisis’ as part of the Climate Change Challenge outreach program of […]
Climate Change Mathematics by NASA
Climate Change Mathematics by NASA Teaching Module A teaching module by NASA makes the use of basic mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometric functions and statistics to understand earth science and climate change. This teaching module consists of a range of topics, for different grade levels, and relates them to mathematical modelling. The topic covered are as […]
What is the Anthroposphere?
What is the Anthroposphere? Reading A short reading by the Aspen Global Change Institute that summarizes what the anthroposphere is. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about the anthroposphere and climate change. This reading provides a definition of the Anthroposphere and overview discussions on the […]
Climate Change and the Food We Eat
Climate Change and the Food We Eat Video A video by Sarah Bridle that introduces her book, ‘Food and Climate Change Without the Hot Air. Change your diet: the easiest way to help save the planet’ as well as the website and game built around it. This video highlights how food production contributes to a […]
The Carbon Footprint of Food
The Carbon Footprint of Food Game A game with flashcards that contain the carbon emissions (in gCO2e) of different foods. This game has been developed by GGDOT with Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change. A picture of the food item is on each card with the following categories: Emissions Water Fibre Calories Protein Driving […]
The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items
The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items Game A computer-based game developed by Take a Bite Out Of Climate Change that shows the carbon footprints (in gCO2e) of different food items. The objective of the calculator is to select different items from a list, ranging from apple pie with cream to […]
Teaching Verb Tenses through Climate Literature
Teaching Verb Tenses through Climate Literature Overview As a Middle or High School English teacher or a teacher of English as a second language, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach tenses using climate literature. Global warming is causing glaciers to melt thus causing a water crisis. Satellite imagery is used to […]