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An Introductory Lesson Plan for Primary School Teachers

Climate Change: An Introductory Lesson Plan for Primary School Teachers Overview As a primary school teacher (for students aged 5-10 years), you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts to your students. Climate change can be complex and is often difficult to explain to primary school students. It is especially […]

Climate Change in the Bahamas

Climate Change in the Bahamas Reading A comic book to understand the effects of climate change on our environment, and specifically, on conch shells, coral reefs, and integrated ecosystems. Students will read about the possible effects of climate change in the Bahamas, and possible actions for adaptation and mitigation, as explained by two schoolchildren. Use […]

What Is Climate Change? A Comic

What Is Climate Change? A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India that introduces what is climate change. This comic is based on a talk by Joy Merwin Monteiro, IISER Pune titled ‘How do scientists study climate change?’ as part of the Climate Change Challenge outreach […]

Fossil Fuels and the Climate Crisis- A Comic

Fossil Fuels and the Climate Crisis- A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India that introduces different forms of energy and how carbon based fossil fuels are causing global warming. This comic is inspired by a talk by Deepa Kushalani, TIFR, India titled ‘Energy Sources and […]

Climate Change Impacts- A Comic

Climate Change Impacts- A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India that introduces the impacts of climate change on fragile ecosystems and how it affects the lives of people living there. This comic is inspired by a talk by Mayuresh Gangal, Nature Conservation Foundation, Bengaluru, India […]

Climate Change: What Can You Do? A Comic

Climate Change: What Can You Do? A Comic Reading A comic book by Somdatta Karak, CSIR- Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India on climate solutions. This comic is inspired by a video discussion with OhScrapMadras and LataSitaa titled ‘Our Lifestyle Choices and Climate Crisis’ as part of the Climate Change Challenge outreach program of […]

The Carbon Footprint of Food

The Carbon Footprint of Food Game A game with flashcards that contain the carbon emissions (in gCO2e) of different foods. This game has been developed by GGDOT with Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change. A picture of the food item is on each card with the following categories: Emissions Water Fibre Calories Protein Driving […]

The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items

The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items Game A computer-based game developed by Take a Bite Out Of Climate Change that shows the carbon footprints (in gCO2e) of different food items. The objective of the calculator is to select different items from a list, ranging from apple pie with cream to […]


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