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Heat Transport in the Atmosphere, Hadley Circulation and Climate (Global Precipitation Patterns and Distribution of Deserts)


As a high school or undergraduate Geography, Earth Sciences, or Physics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about heat transport in the atmosphere, atmospheric circulation, and the Hadley Cell and Hadley Circulation

Geography/Earth Sciences: The lesson plan also helps students to understand the effects of Hadley Circulation on global precipitation patterns, the geographical distribution of deserts, and trade winds

Physics: The lesson plan also helps students to apply the law of conservation of angular momentum and understand the concept of a thermally direct cell.

Thus, the use of this lesson plan allows you to integrate the teaching of a climate science topic with a core topic in  Geography, Earth Sciences, or Physics

Learning Outcome

The tools in this lesson plan will enable students to:

  1. Describe the Hadley Cell and Hadley Circulation (atmospheric circulation and heat transport)
  2. Explain the influence of the Hadley Circulation on the geographical distribution of deserts and global precipitation patterns
  3. Discuss the potential impact of climate change on Hadley Circulation
  4. Discuss the possible effects of Hadley Cell expansion


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