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Insect Behaviour and Temperature Variation


A short reading from Chapter 1, Lesson 3 of ‘Integrating Climate Change Issues in Southeast Asian Schools; A Teachers’ Guide’ that describes how changes in temperature can affect insect life cycles and populations. This lesson titled ‘Interesting Insects’ by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) highlights the implications of increased temperatures on insect behavior.

Students will understand how temperature variations can directly impact insect behavior due to their cold-blooded physiology. They will also learn about the potential increase in populations and life cycles per season of insects or pests.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. How do temperature variations affect the physiology of insects?
  2. Discuss how climate change can affect insect behaviour and populations?
About Tool
Tool Name ‘Interesting Insects’ (Chapter 1, Lesson 3, Pages 42-43: Main Concepts and Skills)
Discipline Biological Sciences
Topic(s) in Discipline Entomology, Biodiversity, Animal Behavior, Insects, Insect Behavior, Life Cycle, Insect Biodiversity
Climate Topic Climate and the Biosphere
Type of tool Reading
Grade Level High School
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
Hosted at Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Website
Access Online/Offline
Computer Skills Basic

Mapped Sustainable Development Goal(s), apart from 4 and 13


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