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Introduction to Statistics through Weather Forecasting

Teaching Module

A teaching module by Ginny Brown, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), that uses climate data to teach statistical parameters such as mean, median, mode, extreme values, percent frequency of occurrence and time, range, standard deviation, and data anomalies. It also includes discussion on the use of statistical parameters that represent a climate or weather variable.

Students will learn the statistical parameters used in basic climate modelling. Additionally, they will also learn about climatology and forecasting.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. How does climate change impact the biosphere?
    1. Mean
    2. Median
    3. Mode
    4. Frequency
    5. Standard Deviation
    6. Data anomaly
  2. Explain what statistical parameters are best suited for weather prediction using wind and
    temperature data.
  3. Describe the impacts of data quality on climate modeling.
About Tool
Tool Name Module: Introduction to Statistics for Climatology – UCAR COMET
Discipline Mathematics and Statistics
Topic(s) in Discipline Future Projections, Introduction to Statistics, Mean, Median, Mode, Frequency, Standard Deviation, Data Anomalies, Climatology, Weather Forecasting
Climate Topic Climate Variability Record, Climate and the Atmosphere
Type of tool Teaching Module
Grade Level High School
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Ginny Brown, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
Hosted at CAMEL Climate Change Education
Access Online/Offline
Computer Skills Basic


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