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Linear Regression on Arctic Ice Data

Classroom/Laboratory Activity

A classroom/laboratory activity to perform linear regression on climate data from the Arctic.

Students will perform linear regression analysis on the average monthly extent of Arctic sea ice (from 1979 to the present) and will compare the residual plots for different months.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. Create and compare the residual plots for the Arctic ice extent in March and September.
  2. Explain the difference observed in the two plots (Ref: 1.).
About Tool
Tool Name Arctic Ice Data
Discipline Mathematics and Statistics
Topic(s) in Discipline Introduction to Statistics, Linear Regression, Residual Plots, Confidence Interval
Climate Topic Climate and the Cryosphere, Climate Variability Record
Type of tool Classroom/Laboratory Activity
Grade Level High School, Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College
Hosted at Sustainability Math
Access Online/Offline
Computer Skills Intermediate


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