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Can Cli-Fi Save The Planet?

Can Cli-Fi Save The Planet? Reading A short article by Dan Bloom in The Medium about potential ways in which climate fiction (Cli-Fi) is now helping students engage with climate change and can provide potential solutions to the crisis. In this short article, Bloom, who is thought to have coined the term ‘Cli-Fi’ discusses the […]

Molecular Vibration Modes and Greenhouse Effect

Molecular Vibration Modes and Greenhouse Effect Reading A reading that discusses how chemical bonds in molecules respond to incident IR light and absorb IR energy during certain modes of vibration. The reading includes discussions on the vibrational modes of water vapor and carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules and explains why these gases act as greenhouse gases. […]

Black Carbon and Earth’s Albedo

Black Carbon and Earth’s Albedo Classroom/Laboratory Activity A laboratory activity to demonstrate the effect of black carbon on surface temperature of the Earth. This activity by Holzer et al. for the NESTA/Windows to the Universe team demonstrates the impact of black carbon on solar radiation absorption, particularly in the poles. Students will be introduced to […]

A Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) Syllabus

A Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) Syllabus Reading An article published by Yale Climate Connections on resources for teaching climate fiction. The article features Elizabeth Rush, a climate fiction educator at Brown University, who discusses the ways in which climate fiction can create a relationship between humans, their environment and technology. The article provides educators a list […]

Black Carbon in the Atmosphere

Black Carbon in the Atmosphere Reading A reading that describes the effects of black carbon on the atmosphere and the climate system. This reading by Carl Zimmer for the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies details the albedo effect of black carbon, how it affects cloud formation, and its warming and cooling effects of […]

Dipesh Chakrabarty ‘The Climate of History: Four Theses’

Dipesh Chakrabarty ‘The Climate of History: Four Theses’ Reading An essay by Dipesh Chakrabarty, The University of Chicago titled ‘The Climate of History: Four Theses’ that discusses the link between human history and climate change. The reading discusses the environmental history of the planet, the ‘Anthropocene’ and how humans have become geological agents with respect […]

Black Carbon and Human Health

Black Carbon and Human Health Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom activity that discusses the impacts of black carbon emissions on human health. This activity by the Science Education Research Center at Carleton College (SERC Carleton) demonstrates how the burning of fossil fuels and biomass-based fuels results in black carbon emissions contribute to global warming, and impacts […]

Climate Change in Literary Fiction

Climate Change in Literary Fiction Reading An article by Amitav Ghosh, author of ‘The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable’ in The Guardian that discusses the lack of climate change in fictional writing. The author discusses the evolution of the narrative in novels and why fiction writers have been resistant to include the topic […]

Black Carbon- An Introduction

Black Carbon- An Introduction Reading An infographic that contains information on black carbon in the atmosphere and its contribution to global warming. This infographic titled, ‘Black Carbon’, by Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), explains what black carbon is, its sources, emission rates, impacts on health and climate, and solutions to reduce its emission. Students […]

Introduction to Gender and Climate Change

Introduction to Gender and Climate Change Reading A guidebook of gender-sensitive approaches to climate change policy for city planning. It discusses the different ways in which women and men are affected by climate change. This guidebook includes discussions on gender inequalities such as gender division of labour, gender differentials in income, gender biases in decision […]


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