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Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Uganda

Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Uganda Reading A reading from the report of the USAID titled ‘Climate Change and Biodiversity in Uganda’ that describes the effect of climatic and non-climatic stressors on its biodiversity and ecosystem goods and services. This reading describes expected changes in flora and fauna, increase in frequency and severity […]

Climate Change and Mountain Gorillas of Central Africa

Reading: Climate Change and Mountain Gorillas of Central Africa Reading A case study titled ‘Mountain gorillas in the Virunga mountains face new threats as their habitat changes’ from ‘Wildlife in a Changing Climate’. This case study describes threats to mountain gorillas that live in the Virunga Volcanoes Conservation Area of Central Africa due to climate-change […]

Ecosystem-Based Conservation in Central Africa

Ecosystem-Based Conservation in Central Africa Reading A case study titled ‘Mountain Gorillas Ecosystem Services and Local Livelihoods in Rwanda, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo’ from the report ‘Biodiversity, Climate Change and Sustainable Development – Harnessing Synergies and Celebrating Successes’. This case study describes ecosystem-based conservation of the mountain gorilla in Central Africa. It focuses on […]

Climate Change Impacts in Uganda

Climate Change Impacts in Uganda Overview As a High School or Undergraduate Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or Geography teacher, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about climate change and global warming and specifically the impacts of climate change in Uganda. This lesson plan provides an introduction to climate change, causes, and […]

Ecological Niches and Biogeography: Mountain Gorillas, Bamboo and Climate

Ecological Niches and Biogeography: Mountain Gorillas, Bamboo and Climate Overview As an Undergraduate Environmental Sciences or Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about ecological niches– their characteristics and the factors that affect them- and the biogeography of a species. More specifically, this lesson plan will teach your students […]

Photosynthetic Pathways and Physiological Responses to Climate Change

Photosynthetic Pathways and Physiological Responses to Climate Change Overview As an undergraduate Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about differences in photosynthesis in different types of plants (C3, C4 and CAM) and how they are affected by climate change: which is more resilient or less resilient. You can […]


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